Navigating the Mental Health Strains of Motherhood and Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship is often romanticized as the epitome of freedom and success. However, behind the glamour lies a stark reality: entrepreneurs grapple with higher rates of mental health issues than their counterparts in traditional 9-5 jobs.
Breaking the Chains: A Mother's Journey Through Generational Mental Health
Witnessing her child confront similar challenges motivated her to explore her family's history, uncovering a pattern of mental health struggles spanning generations. Recognizing mental health patterns within one's family can profoundly impact mothers, shifting them from isolation to proactive engagement and from silence to meaningful conversation.
I Work "To Life," Not Death: I’m a Mother Not a Martyr
Explore the first principle of our Bad Girl Fit Series, challenging the age-old expectation that mothers must constantly deplete themselves. Discover a balanced approach to motherhood that prioritizes personal well-being alongside family care.
From Martyr to Mothering on Your Terms: The Feminism You Didn’t Know You Needed
Incorporating feminism into one's parenting approach can transform it from a position of sacrifice to one of strength.
New Year, New Habits – Embracing Powerful Routines
As we usher in this new year, it's a time to embrace renewal and transformation. This year, our focus is on cultivating new habits and establishing routines that not only empower us but also reflect the incredible journey we are on.
The Gift of Resilience in the IMverse: Empowering Ambitious Mothers (Gift Series, Part 2)
As you pursue your ambitious goals, consider making resilience your bestie. It is the inner strength that keeps you going against the odds.
Juggling Motherhood, Ambition, and Gratitude During the Holidays (Part 1): A How-To Guide
We’re standing on the threshold of another holiday season, a time when many of us naturally gravitate towards reflections and gratitude. Yet, it's also a season that may clash with or complicate our ambitions and career goals.
A Badass Mom's Uncharted Path to Success: Navigating Life's Twists, Turns and Traumas
But here's the unspoken truth: even when we've planned for the everyday drama, there's an element we rarely anticipate - the potential trauma that can accompany our pursuit of success.
Sex, Power and Mental Health: Uncovering the “Dirty-Girl Effect” (Part 1)
Through conducting dozens of interviews (formal and casual) with high-powered women, reading countless articles and books and reflecting on my own experiences, I learned a lot. And those lessons can be summed up as what I call the “dirty-girl effect.”
The Ambitious Mom’s Cheat Sheet: Twenty-One Hacks for Badass Mamas Looking to Fulfill Their Dreams
“Never accept ‘no’ from someone not authorized to tell you ‘no.’”