The Ambitious Mom’s Cheat Sheet: Twenty-One Hacks for Badass Mamas Looking to Fulfill Their Dreams
Listen. Being a single mom of six kids, accomplishing my goals of becoming a doctor, author and successful entrepreneur all but left me in the corner rocking somewhere on more than a few occasions. But over the years, I picked up quite a few hacks that, hopefully, can make your journey a little less challenging. Below, I have curated twenty-one of them for you. Enjoy!
Photo Credit: Chris Charles Photography
Write your story into existence. Build the scenes. Create the plot. Determine the characters. Write the script. Literally and figuratively. This is a great way to journal.
Kenny Rogers said, “You got to know when to hold ‘em. Know when to fold ‘em. Know when to walk away.” Apply these words as needed to any and all situations.
The average CEO and executive reads (or listens to) four - five books a month. Decide if you want to be above or below average. Read accordingly.
What’s ambition without strategy? Hire a coach.
You have the same twenty-four hours as everyone else. Be creative with how you use yours.
Nothing’s wasted.
Work-life balance is bullsh*t. Become a master at dropping balls.
Plaster your wall with big Post-it notes filled with your goals and ambitions for the year. Doing so sets the tone, sets the bar and sets the stage for your success.
People who have never “done” are always telling folks how to “do.” Decide who you’re going to listen to: them or you.
Stay curious and vigilant about the process. Keep the “where” in view, but obsess over the “how.”
Whatever pain you’re dealing with, don’t let it go to waste. That’s good fuel right there. Use it to fulfill the mission because, again, nothing’s wasted.
“Never accept ‘no’ from someone not authorized to tell you ‘no.’” -Patty Montgomery
Presidents pick their cabinets. Ambitious women choose their teams. In addition to a coach, always have these players on your roster: a therapist, attorney, accountant, banker, mentor, and sponsor.
Choose your friends like blues singer King George chooses his women (smdh). You’re gonna need one to hold you down, one to lift you up and one that just don’t give a f*ck. Like him, can’t have one, you gotta have three.
Choose your banker/bank like you’d choose your gynecologist or mate because like both, they’re going to be all up in your business. Or choose them like you’d choose an attorney— make sure they have a record of fighting and advocating for people like you…whatever that means.
There is never a plan b. There are just pivots, turns and reroutes toward your plan a — which, by the way, should be your only plan.
Invest in whatever you need to accomplish your goals: a professional organizer, nanny, cleaning company, laptop, wardrobe, etc. Ambitious women spend differently, especially when money is low.
As someone with ambition, you may discover that you’re a little “off,” somewhat “mad,” and kind of “delusional.” Embrace it. Your “crazy” is going to help you reach your goals.
If you are able, build a daily habit of walking. It’s a great way to decompress, clear your mind and strategize.
Build a family culture around your dreams, goals and ambitions. Create bedtime stories about them. Make family retreats around them. It’s easier to get everyone’s buy-in this way.
Believe in something bigger than yourself, so that when you “run out,” that Higher Power can “run in.”
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About the blogger
Dr. Sagashus Levingston is an author, entrepreneur and PhD holder. She has two fur babies, Maya and Gracie, six children (three boys and three girls), and they all (including her partner) live in Madison, WI. She loves all things business, is committed to reminding moms of their power, and is dedicated to playing her part in closing the wealth gap for people of color and women. She believes that mothering is a practice, like yoga, and she fights daily to manage her chocolate intake. The struggle is real, y’all…and sometimes it’s beautiful.
Follow her on Instagram and Facebook @drsagashus