The Gift of Resilience in the IMverse: Empowering Ambitious Mothers (Gift Series, Part 2)
As you pursue your ambitious goals, consider making resilience your bestie. It is the inner strength that keeps you going against the odds.
Infamous Mothers: Expanding the Face of Heroism
I no longer have the mental fortitude to bridge the gap between the faces and stories I see on screen and my own life. As I face my own dragons and overcome the supervillains in my life, I long for the inspiration that comes with seeing a fantasy or sci-fi version of me doing the same.
A Badass Mom's Uncharted Path to Success: Navigating Life's Twists, Turns and Traumas
But here's the unspoken truth: even when we've planned for the everyday drama, there's an element we rarely anticipate - the potential trauma that can accompany our pursuit of success.